
As much as you love your pets, you probably don’t love the fur and hair that collects on furniture, rugs, and in every corner and crevice of your home. Residential cleaning services solve this issue, in addition to removing other allergens such as dirt and dust that are affecting your indoor air quality. But what should you do with your pets while your local cleaning service works? Use these tips to keep your animals and the cleaning crew safe.

3 Things To Do With Pets When Your House Is Being Cleaned

1. Introduce the Cleaning Crew

There’s usually no need to introduce smaller pets such as birds, reptiles, or rodents to cleaning staff. However, you should still show them where the cages are and how they should be cleaned, if at all. Cats typically hide if they don’t want to interact with people they don’t know, so an introduction might not be necessary in this case either. To get your cat comfortable without forcing a meeting, let them see you with the cleaning crew. An introduction will be needed if you have a dog, though this should be done carefully. Start by introducing your dog to the cleaning staff one or two people at a time to avoid overwhelming them. Allow your dog to sniff everyone who’s comfortable, and ensure your dog doesn’t bark excessively, jump, or act aggressively.

2. Do A Trial Run

cleaning serviceIf anyone on staff is scared of your pet for any reason, make other arrangements to ensure they feel comfortable. If the team gives the okay, let your pet see you with the cleaning personnel before walking outside. Stay outside for five to 10 minutes to see how they react. As long as the animal is calm, you can leave them when the cleaning service is in your home. Should they act extremely scared or aggressive, don't leave them home during maid service hours moving forward.

3. Find Alternative Accommodations

Many animals can be kept in a closed room that doesn't need cleaning if they can't be in contact with your team. However, if you can't keep your pet inside when the cleaning service is there, put them in a shady, fenced-in area of your property during cleaning hours. Make sure they have plenty of food and water, as well as a few toys to keep them occupied. You can also make pet-sitting arrangements with family, friends, or a professional while your house is being cleaned.


If you’re looking for a reliable cleaning service that’ll leave your home sparkling, count on Final Touch Cleaning Services. This team offers competitive rates to those in Vandalia, Tipp City, Troy, Centerville, Englewood, Beavercreek, Huber Heights, and other parts of Miami Valley, OH. The residential and commercial cleaning company also uses an exhaustive 40-point checklist that guarantees customer satisfaction. Call (937) 521-6243 today for a free quote, or learn more about their residential services online. For more tips and the latest deals, like their Facebook page.
