
Your concrete driveways and sidewalks are safe, strong surfaces for parking cars and walking, but for your kids, they can be a blank slate. With a little imagination and some chalk, well-maintained, smooth concrete can become a fantastic play area, getting your children outdoors with their friends. Below are a few activities your kids might like, especially if you’ve recently replaced your driveway.

5 Games to Play on Concrete Surfaces

1. Hopscotch

Hopscotch is a classic children’s game that improves balance and coordination. As they grow up, many children like creating increasingly difficult versions of their own to constantly challenge themselves.

2. Drawing

Sidewalk chalk can turn a normal concrete driveway into an enormous canvas, giving your children a chance to express themselves and explore their imaginations. Chalks designed for concrete are easy to clean, so you can restore your driveway’s pristine look in just a few minutes.

3. Jump Rope

concrete drivewayJumping rope is fantastic exercise, but it does require a flat, stable surface. Concrete driveways and sidewalks offer the ideal jump rope conditions, minimizing the chance of injuries that often occur on uneven ground.

4. Four Square

Another popular classic, four-square is a competitive game that builds coordination and reaction time. Because it takes four players, Four Square is a great activity for bringing the neighborhood kids together.

5. Creating Tracks for Toy Cars

Whether your kids love Matchbox cars or have remote-controlled vehicles, concrete driveways are a great place to set up tracks and roads. For instance, you might set up barriers for racing RC cars or draw streets and racetracks directly on the concrete.


If your concrete is pitted and broken, the experts at The Gertz Company will create a beautiful surface perfect for parking and playing. Their highly trained team offers concrete driveway and sidewalk installations, decorative stamping, and customized designs to homeowners throughout Greater Cincinnati and northern Kentucky. Visit their website for more on their concrete driveway services, follow their Twitter for more tips, and call (513) 218-8888 to request a no-obligation estimate today.
