
Whether you’re purchasing a new home or making changes to your current one, you can’t take care of every single detail on your own. When it comes to certain parameters, such as boundary lines, you’ll need the help of a professional surveyor. If you’re not sure when this expense is necessary, use the following guide to figure out when to hire a surveying expert.

3 Instances That Call for a Professional Surveyor

1. Home Improvement Work

Perhaps you’re finally getting around to building that gazebo you and your spouse have been planning, or you need to install a fence to protect a new pet. If you don’t know your property’s official boundary lines, you might be building over them, and your neighbor could take legal action against you. By hiring a professional surveyor and learning the exact limits of your plot, you can avoid the hassles and expenses associated with a property dispute.

2. Real Estate Purchase

professional surveyorUnless you’re buying the property outright, most prospective homeowners will head to the bank to get pre-approved for a loan before shopping for their new living space. In addition to looking over your credentials, such as your credit score and income, the lender will also want to gather information on the property they’re loaning money against. In this case, hiring a professional surveyor will provide a clear-cut definition of the property’s boundaries, as well as which outbuildings, underground utility lines, driveways, and other features are part of the package.

3. Construction Preparation

You may also find yourself in need of a professional surveyor when buying a vacant plot of land. Whether you’re planning to build a commercial, industrial, or residential site, you’ll need this professional to confirm the zoning classification. While some plots may be zoned for a house, you may not be permitted to build a factory on them. Your survey may also illustrate the topography of the land (so you can find out whether you need to hire an excavator for land grading) and what lies underneath it, such as wells, gas lines, or septic systems. Since this information could inform the construction process, it’s crucial to hire a professional surveyor before breaking ground.



If you’re in any of the situations described above or have any questions about property lines or zoning, reach out to Ferguson & Foss Professional Land Surveyors PC of Johnstown, NY. This land surveying company works with residential and commercial clients alike, and they’re a proud member of the Fulton Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce. With 67 years of combined experience, you can count on founders John W. Ferguson and J. Christopher Foss to provide an accurate assessment of your property. To learn more about these professional surveyors’ skills, visit the website, or call (518) 762-9997 to ask for a quote.
