
Several stressors, whether they are caused by work or personal circumstances, can leave you feeling anxious or depressed. When left unchecked, these feelings can impact your ability to function and maintain healthy relationships. To avoid a dependency on pharmaceuticals, many people choose acupuncture to aid in relaxation and elevate mood. Below is a further explanation as to what acupuncture entails and how it can benefit your mental health.

What Should You Expect During an Acupuncture Session?

acupunctureAccording to traditional Chinese medicine, balancing the body’s energy, known as chi, will improve mental and physical health. Energy travels through pathways called meridians, with different channels connecting to various parts of the body. During an acupuncture session, ultra-thin needles are inserted in specific pressure and meridian points. The objective is to fix any energy blocks and restore balance along the corresponding pathways. 

How Can Treatment Improve Mental Outlook?

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is taught that different emotions are in sync with certain organs. When a person experiences anxiety, it is believed that the heart and kidney are affected. During acupuncture sessions, needles will be placed near the heart, kidneys, and spleen to alleviate anxiety. The process can stimulate the release of serotonin in your body, increasing your mood. The organs responsible for moving the healing energy include the liver, heart, and spleen. A practitioner might place needles near these areas or stimulate hands and feet to restore proper flow. This treatment can also improve physical health and alleviate body aches and tension. This release of pressure can also provide mental relief. 


If you want to try a holistic approach to managing stress and depression, contact Marie Gonzales, L.Ac. Located in Nyack, NY, the licensed acupuncturist has over 20 years of experience providing effective solutions to improve the mental and physical well-being of people throughout the Rockland County area. She will also provide advice to alleviate any discomfort after the acupuncture session. To schedule treatment, call (845) 398-1312. Visit the practice’s website to read client testimonials and become a Facebook follower for additional information. 
