
Your eyes need lubricating continually, and when they don’t produce enough moisture through tears, dry eye results. Fortunately, eye doctors offer ways to obtain relief. Here’s what you should know about this condition that affects more than 16 million people.

What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye develops for many reasons, including a malfunction of the meibomian glands. If you’re over 50 or a woman who is pregnant or menopausal, you are more likely to have dry eye. Not consuming enough vitamin A in your diet, the long-term wearing of contact lenses, or spending long periods staring at your computer or smartphone screen without blinking frequently increase your risk of developing this common malady.

Smoky, dry, or windy environments can also cause it temporarily. Diseases like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis and drugs such as antihistamines can turn dry eye into a chronic condition.

What Are Dry Eye Symptoms?

dry eyeYou may experience symptoms in both eyes, such as light sensitivity; redness; a burning, stinging, or scratchy feeling; and stringy eye mucus. Watery eyes and blurred or impaired vision often result from insufficient or poor quality tears. 

How Is It Treated?

Doctors treat mild cases of dry eye syndrome with artificial tears, using nonprescription drops. Depending on the cause, severe or chronic cases may require improving the quality of the tears you produce or changing your medicine if a side effect is eye dryness. You may need to undergo eyelid surgery or get medication to reduce eyelid inflammation. 


Daniel J. Kroger OD is a skilled optometrist offering a full range of services, from eye exams to treatment of conditions including cataracts and dry eye. With more than 25 years of experience as an eye doctor, patients throughout the Butler County, OH, area know and trust him. They rely on his top-quality eye care, as he uses the newest technology to deliver affordable and effective solutions. Visit his website or call (513) 777-3936 to schedule an appointment.
