
Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding can be detrimental to your oral health. Over time, teeth will display visible signs of wear, such as fractured or chipped crowns, which can invite harmful bacteria. During your next dental appointment, ask the dentist if they see signs that you’re grinding your teeth. If you’re unknowingly grinding your teeth at night, here’s what you can do to prevent it.

How to Avoid Nighttime Teeth Grinding

1. Relax

The jaw clenches when we’re stressed, so practice coping mechanisms to better deal with everyday stresses. This may include taking an evening walk, reading, writing in a journal, or getting a massage. If necessary, help the jaw muscles relax by gently massaging them. Take a hot bath before bed to soothe the entire body, making the jaws less likely to tense and grind while you sleep. Create a calm, comfortable bedtime environment for yourself by using blackout curtains or diffusing essential oils.

2. Watch What You Put in Your Mouth

Don’t gnaw on nonfood items, such as pens, as this habit can make your jaw used to clenching, causing them to continue the motion while you sleep. Avoid alcoholic beverages before bed as they can double your chances of teeth grinding. Alcohol interrupts sleep patterns, which causes hyperactive muscle movement, like teeth grinding.

3. Seek Professional Help

dentistYou can consult a professional about getting Botox® injections. The serum will temporarily relax the jaw muscles, which cause the teeth to clench and grind. For a less invasive option, ask your dentist to fit you for a nighttime mouthguard to wear as you sleep. This plastic dental solution will create a barrier between the teeth, preventing them from touching when they make the grinding motion.


If you have bruxism, contact the skilled team of dentists at Kaimuki Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. These friendly professionals are dedicated to helping their patients maintain healthy, beautiful smiles, offering them custom mouthguards and tips on how to manage grinding. View a complete list of their services online, or call (808) 737-7905 to schedule an appointment with one of their six dentists.
