
If your baby fusses all night or has trouble sleeping, a visit to a pediatric chiropractor may be a non-invasive way to help. This idea may be a surprising one to most parents. However, these experts are trained in a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustments and therapeutic massage, that alleviate pain and other health conditions safely and effectively.

What Conditions Can Be Treated by a Pediatric Chiropractor?

1. Colic

Colic can have a lot of causes. However, the result is a build-up of gas in their system, which causes pain and discomfort for them, and a lot of sleepless nights for you. A chiropractor uses therapeutic massage and stimulation to help move the gas through your baby’s system so it can pass harmlessly.

2. Latching Problems

If your baby is having trouble latching, it could be because of a small misalignment in their jaw. A newborn’s body is still developing, meaning it’s common for there to be some asymmetry. A very light adjustment can give your child a better chance of holding onto a nipple or bottle. 

3. Ear Infections 

chiropractorThere can be a myriad of reasons for the eustachian tube to become blocked, from colds to sinus infections. You should always take your child to the doctor if you think they are experiencing an ear infection, as they may require antibiotics. However, many proponents of chiropractic adjustments claim light manipulations can help dilate the eustachian tube. This helps drain fluid from the middle ear and is one of the most popular reasons for chiropractors to see small children and babies.

4. Developmental Issues

Your baby’s body is growing very quickly. Within the first year, the back and spine can change shape dramatically. When your baby starts lifting their head or learning to sit up, it is a great time to take them to see a chiropractor, to ensure proper development. 

The doctors at Valley Chiropractic Clinic in Juneau, AK, have over 35 years’ experience providing quality chiropractic care, pain management, and massage therapy. From sports injuries to preventative adjustments, their knowledgeable staff focuses on compassionate, patient-specific care. To learn more about their services, visit them online. To make an appointment with a chiropractor, call (907) 789-9549 today.
