
Taking your dog for a walk might be one of your favorite parts of the day. But when it’s raining or snowing out, those walks can mean lots of dirt tracked into your house. Since taking the dog to the groomer every day simply isn’t feasible, there are a few steps you can take at home. Follow the below simple tricks to keep your furry friend happy and your flooring in prime shape. 

How to Clean Your Dog After a Walk

1. Keep Wipes on Hand 

groomerDisposable wipes are a quick, handy way to clean your dog after a particularly dirty romp around the park. This can also save your car upholstery at the same time. Keep a box in your vehicle and by the front door of your home. Though there are many different kinds of wipes on the market, look for dog-friendly ones that don’t contain harsh cleaning or antibacterial chemicals and don’t have an overwhelming smell. Ask your groomer for recommendations on cleaning products for your four-legged friend. 

2. Trim Their Excess Hair 

Keeping your dog’s hair trimmed in the summer because of the heat seems intuitive. However, you should keep your dog’s hair trimmed all year long. Not only will cleaning up their undercoat and hair keep them feeling a little less weighed down, but it also makes it much easier to keep your dog clean. Take regular trips to the groomer to keep their fur free of matted spots and tangles. You can also get their nails trimmed at the same to prevent excess dirt from forming underneath their paws.

3. Put a Towel by the Door

Most of the dirt your dog tracks in the house is from their muddy paws. Keep a towel by the door so you can wipe down their paws every time they come in and out of the house. This will keep your floors and carpets much cleaner through the wet and muddy months.


If you’re looking for a dog groomer or pet boarding for your next vacation, turn to Shar-Jo’s Pet Styling & In-Home Pet Sitting in Milford, OH. For 48 years, this compassionate, high-quality center has provided pet grooming and sitting for both dogs and cats. This grooming facility gives individualized care and attention to each pet and delivers service at affordable prices. For more information about their pet care services, call (513) 831-9457 or visit them online today. 
