
Many people experience a toothache at least once in their lives, and this persistent pain can interrupt their day-to-day routines. Knowing the potential cause of a toothache will help you explain the problem to the dentist, as well as prevent it from worsening before your appointment. Below are four common factors that can result in a toothache. 

Why Do You Have a Toothache?

1. Bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, applies force to your teeth, gums, jawbone, and muscles. It can cause general tooth soreness or, if left untreated, can cause cracks, chips, and the wearing down of your tooth. It can be hard to tell if you have bruxism if you grind while asleep. However, if you often wake up with a sore jaw, headache, and aching teeth, it’s likely the result of bruxism. It can be caused by sleep apnea, stress, and dental misalignments. Your dentist can give you a nightguard to protect your teeth until the source of your bruxism is resolved.

2. Dental Decay

Dental decay is caused by oral bacteria and the acidic wastes they excrete. This erodes your enamel, dentin, and pulp. Signs of decay include patchy white spots and yellowing of the teeth. Visible indents and dark spots can be seen on the tooth as the material is eaten away. If you’re experiencing pain, the cavity has progressed into the inner tissues of your tooth and may even be forming a pocket of infection in your roots. If you suspect a cavity or have swelling or fever, you should schedule an emergency appointment. Until then, avoid hard, sticky, sugary, or acidic foods and drinks. You should also maintain your oral health routine to keep bacteria at bay. 

3. Damaged Dental Work

toothache Implants, crowns, veneers, fillings, and bridges are examples of dental work that can become damaged from trauma or wear. For all of these restorative dentistry procedures to be completed, varying amounts of your enamel has to be removed to make room for them. If the dental work becomes damaged, it could leave nerves and tissue exposed, causing pain. You should avoid eating hard, crunchy, and sticky foods that could irritate the area.

4. Gum Disease

Gingivitis and periodontal disease could also be causing your pain. When plaque hardens into tartar, it irritates your gum tissue, causing swelling, tenderness, and bleeding. If allowed to progress further, your gums will start to pull away from your teeth. This exposes sensitive tissues, and it allows damage and erosion to happen below the gum line. Regular oral hygiene and avoiding sugary and starchy foods will mitigate the condition until your treatment.


No matter the cause, the office of Daniel M. Hamrick, DDS, in China Grove, NC, will put an end to your toothache. Their experienced staff offers effective treatment for periodontal disease, cavities, and bruxism, and they can repair or restore damaged dental work. Since 1981, they’ve cared for their patients with passion and provide flexible after-hour appointments for emergencies. View their services online, and call (704) 857-7497 for a restorative dentistry appointment.
