
Getting pulled over by a police officer is stressful, especially if you believe you’re going to get a traffic ticket. Drivers do have rights, though, and officers are required to respect them. Here’s what you should know about the rights of drivers during traffic stops so you know when yours may have been violated.

3 Traffic Stop Rights

1. Knowing Why You Were Stopped

Once an officer approaches your car, before they issue a traffic ticket, they should clearly explain why you were stopped. Try to stay calm and be respectful. If they don’t give you an explanation for the stop, it’s your right to ask them for a reason. At every traffic stop, the police will ask for your license, registration, and proof of insurance. 

2. Not Allowing a Search

traffic ticketUnless an officer has just cause for looking into your vehicle, you have the right to refuse a search without a warrant. Vehicle searches are considered just if you’ve an outstanding warrant, if something illegal like drugs or a weapon is in plain sight, or if your breath smells of alcohol.

3. Taking a Video

Most traffic ticket stops are uneventful and calm. However, if at any point you feel an officer has crossed a line, you have the right to document the stop. If an officer fails to respect your rights or is putting you in danger, filming the interaction on your smartphone is allowable. It may be offered as proof if later a suit is filed.


If you recently received a traffic ticket, and you believe your rights were violated in the process, talk to Washington Law Office in Hamilton, OH. With over 20 years of experience handling cases of all types, from reckless driving to criminal offenses, they have the insight and expertise needed to ensure favorable outcomes. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (513) 751-1400 to schedule an initial consultation.
