
No roofing system lasts forever. Whether the result of age or storm damage, almost every homeowner will eventually need to invest in a roof replacement for their property. To ensure that you get the best outcome for your new roof installation, there are a few important things you should consider.


Consider material options.

roof replacementThere are many different materials you could select for your roof replacement, from standard asphalt shingles to more unique options like tile or metal roofing. Do your research to evaluate the pros and cons of each material, including factors such as durability, energy efficiency, and available styles. Choose an option that will provide great performance and curb appeal.

Check wind and fire ratings.

Not all shingles are created equal. When researching different options, be sure to check their fire and wind ratings. Shingles that offer greater wind resistance may cost more initially, but they could help you avoid storm-related repairs later.


Pick a color that clashes with your siding and trim.

Your roof plays a major role in your home’s curb appeal — so be sure that it matches your siding and trim. Because of this, neutral colors (such as dark gray) are typically best. If you live in a neighborhood with a homeowner’s association, roofing colors may be subjected to additional restrictions.

Add layers if the roof can’t support it.

To save money, contractors can sometimes lay a new layer of shingles over the existing roof, rather than tearing off the old shingles. Make sure your roof could support this added weight before choosing this option. If you already have multiple layers of shingles on the roof, a third layer would likely be too heavy and pose a structural risk.


From minor repairs to a complete roof replacement, you can count on Hanley Roofing Co. Serving Cherokee County, GA for over 45 years, their expert roofing team will provide personalized solutions that will meet your budget and stand the test of time. To learn more about their services or to schedule an estimate, give them a call at (678) 230-8519.
