
It isn’t always easy to recognize substance abuse problems in others, especially when people are conditioned to hide the fact that there is a problem. However, identifying the issue is critical in the path towards addiction treatment, which is why you should look for the signs early. Read on to learn more about alcohol addiction and how to help those you know struggling with this common disease.

Recognizing Alcohol Abuse

What Are the Signs?

The symptoms of alcohol addiction are subtle, which is why you should pay close attention. Watch out for strange behaviors surrounding alcohol, such as having an unusually high tolerance to drinking or having a tendency to hide alcohol.

Often, people who struggleaddiction treatment with alcohol addiction lie about their vice or downplay the problem, making it appear as if they have everything under control. Alcoholism can also be marked by engaging in risky behaviors, exhibiting depressive tendencies, or avoiding events that are not serving alcohol.

How Can You Help Your Loved One? 

If you have noticed any of these red flags in someone you love, don’t hesitate to reach out. When you are with the person, and they seem receptive to listening, ask them how they are feeling and if they are struggling with drinking. If they are ready to seek help, consider bringing them to an addiction treatment center for professional guidance. 

Alcohol addiction is particularly dangerous, since quitting alcohol cold turkey could cause delirium tremensprompting symptoms like grand mal convulsions, delirium, and even death. However, professionals who specialize in alcohol addiction treatment understand these risks, and how to avoid them, improving the safety of your recovery experience. 


Addiction treatment starts with a single phone call, so reach out to NorthKey Community Care for help. For more than 53 years, these experienced professionals have been providing crisis management and professional addiction treatment to their clients, allowing them to move on from severe drug and alcohol problems. Give them a call at (859) 331-3292 today to get on the road to recovery, or visit their website to learn more about their approach to wellness. 
