
Running is a wonderful sport that builds endurance and strength and provides numerous health benefits. Unfortunately, like all other physical activities, it can sometimes lead to minor injuries. When this occurs, urgent care clinics provide the fast and convenient services needed to get you better and back on your feet. The following guide outlines a few of the most common injuries runners sustain, so you can receive the treatment you need as soon as possible. 

3 Common Running Injuries & How Urgent Care Clinics Treat Them

1. Sprained Ankle

Sprained ankles are often the result of placing too much pressure on one foot. This can happen when you are going over uneven terrain or using improper form. The affected area will feel tender and bruised, and it will likely begin to swell. The physicians at the urgent care clinic will wrap the ankle to minimize movement so it can heal, and they will likely use an ice pack to decrease inflammation.

2. Shin Splints

urgent careShin splints are injuries comprised of small tears in the lower leg muscles. This usually occurs when you haven’t stretched properly before a run, causing you to put excess strain on the calf tendons. The urgent care clinic will start by taking X-rays to ensure that the pain isn’t due to a fracture. Once they’ve determined the cause of the discomfort, they’ll likely prescribe medications to ease the pain, as well as orthotic inserts to provide better support. They’ll also suggest using ice packs to help with swelling. 

3. Runner’s Knee

The cartilage in the knee is meant to absorb shock from impact. However, over time, it can wear out. This can lead to pain in the surrounding area. You may notice tenderness or pain when running, squatting, or kneeling. Urgent care physicians can easily diagnose this issue through range-of-motion tests and going over your symptoms with you. Upon diagnosis, they’ll likely suggest cold therapy to ease the pain, as well as a recommendation for a physical therapist. In the interim, they may prescribe pain relievers. 


If you sustained an injury on your last run, visit the caring and skilled team at Orange Beach Walk-In Medical Care in Orange Beach, AL. Lead physician Dr. James K. Hurston has almost 50 years of experience handling all sorts of medical cases. He and his team will take a comprehensive and thorough approach when diagnosing your condition to ensure the most effective treatment possible. Visit their website for more information on their urgent care practice, and call (251) 964­-7425 to speak with a team member today.
