
Keeping aging loved ones active and engaged has proven to help them live fulfilling, healthy lives. While your loved one in senior care might have some favorite activities already, one hobby they might not have considered is crafting. Here are five reasons to encourage them to start crafting today.

How Does Crafting Help Seniors?

1. Brain Power

Arts and crafts are mentally stimulating hobbies. Whether seniors take up painting or scrapbooking, their minds will work to put together colors, shapes, and textures for a finished project. Creativity is sparked and problem-solving skills are used during crafting, which also helps keep the brain active. The more exercise the mind gets, the stronger it will be later in life.

2. Motor Skills

senior careWhile the brain is working when crafting, so is the body. Wood carving, drawing, knitting, and beading all include a physical aspect, which keeps muscles active. Arts and crafts are also great for exercising fine motor skills and working smaller muscles in the hands and arms.

3. Socialization

When aging loved ones get involved in craft groups at senior care centers, they open themselves up to more socialization. This helps them stave off loneliness and feelings of isolation they might be experiencing. They may even choose to work with a partner or group on one large project.

4. Independent Accomplishment

Seniors may feel like many aspects of their lives are out of their control, but taking up a craft gives them a task that is entirely theirs. They will feel rewarded every time they finish a new project that allowed them to express themselves.

5. Stress Relief

Arts and crafts provide opportunities to tune out issues and become wholly absorbed in an exciting, artistic endeavor. This can help fight stress and reduce anxiety and depression.


If your loved one is looking to receive compassionate senior care, Freedom Day Center in St. Louis, MO, should be the top choice. This caring staff will help your loved one remain independent while offering an array of activities such as crafts, exercise classes, day trips, and guest appearances. To find out more about their senior care programs, call (314) 957-5900 or visit their website.
