
There is no doubt that data plays an integral role in most business operations. Unfortunately, ever-changing malware and hacker activity can make it difficult for companies to protect sensitive information, such as financial records, personal client details, and proprietary materials. That’s why many organizations are investing in security awareness training. Through these programs, experts provide teams with the tools they need to identify and respond to data breach threats on a united front. If you’re looking to safeguard your company’s resources, here are a few critical benefits of cybersecurity training to consider.

5 Ways Security Awareness Training Will Benefit Your Business

1. Highlight Data as an Asset

When employees consider what assets a company offers, they typically think of the services or products they provide, not the data that supports these operations. Security awareness training helps reframe these operations to show that any digital information handled by the company is a valuable asset that is worth protecting.

2. Encourage Action

CybersecurityUntrained professionals are often unable to identify threats quickly, leaving them to cause more damage over time. Security awareness training will allow your team to recognize warning signs and understand what to do when they appear, such as reporting the problem to an IT lead.

3. Boost Productivity

Whether employees have to recover lost files, provide customer support, or fix compromised equipment, data breaches can pose a serious drain on productivity. When your team understands how to recognize these problems early on, they will be able to avoid these hiccups and remain focused on the tasks that help your company stay on schedule.

4. Discover Security Gaps

When a team is more aware of cybersecurity threats, they have a greater ability to recognize issues in their early stages. Often, trained professionals will discover potential gaps that leave the network vulnerable to potential malware and unauthorized activity. Calling attention to these gaps will help your IT team take steps to repair them before any damage is done.

5. Save Money

Recent industry reports suggest that cybersecurity breaches cost companies about $150 per every record lost. Depending on the nature of the data and the length of the breach, these events could cost you thousands of dollars or more. While training does require an upfront investment, it could save your team an incredible amount of money.


When you want to provide your company with premium protection, turn to the IT consultants at Network Solutions & Technology in East Northport, NY. This Long Island-based team offers comprehensive security awareness training to businesses throughout New York City and the greater tri-state area. Using simplified terms and easy-to-adopt strategies, these industry experts will allow your team to recognize, respond to, and prevent cybersecurity threats. This company can also help install computer equipment, establish secure cloud computing, conduct penetration testing, and provide responsive tech support. Visit them online to learn more about their services or call (877) 678-8080 to speak with a consultant.
