
If you have ever been to an eye doctor, you have probably had your eyes dilated. In this procedure, the doctor places drops in the eyes that cause the iris and pupil to open wide. The expanded aperture permits better inspection of the eye's interior. Because it may result in blurry vision and light sensitivity for an hour or more, many parents wonder if their children need pupil dilation when they visit the eye doctor. Below are some of the critical facts you should know on the process. 

3 Facts You Should Know About Juvenile Eye Dilation

1. It Permits Detection of Vision Problems

Vision problems ranging from the inconvenient—such as farsightedness or a lazy eye—to the dangerous, including glaucoma. Whatever the disorder, it's essential to catch the problem early to prevent it from worsening and to begin treatment as soon as possible. Eye dilation opens the pupil, and better enables the eye doctor to detect any vision problems your child may have. Subsequent treatment could improve school performance or even prevent vision loss.

2. To Provide a Baseline

eye doctor Lexington, KYIf it is your child's first trip to the eye doctor, pediatric eye dilation provides a comprehensive baseline from which to judge later exams. If the doctor notices any variation later from the baseline, it makes detection of future problems more manageable. The minor discomfort and temporary inconvenience of light sensitivity are well worth the improvement in diagnostic accuracy.

3. To Enable a Thorough Examination

Without dilation, much of the back and sides of the eye's interior remains hidden. Only about 15% of the area is visible until the drops are added. Dilation is, therefore, essential to providing a thorough exam. It's the difference between peering into a room through a peephole versus a picture window.

If you need the services of an experienced children's optometrist, contact Abel Klecker & Robbins, a practice of skilled eye doctors in Lexington, KY. They are locally owned and have served patients throughout Fayette County for more than 60 years. They offer comprehensive eye exams for glasses and contact lenses and also handle eye emergencies. Visit their website to connect with them on the web or call (859) 269-6921 to arrange an appointment. 
