
Throwing away used car parts, soda cans, or outdated electronics seems like common practice. However, you may be missing out on earning some extra dollars. Instead of trashing old metals, consider taking them to a scrap yard for metal recycling. Check out the guide below to learn more about the best metals for scrapping.

Top Metals to Use for Scrapping

1. Aluminum

Aluminum is a metal that can be recycled a limitless number of times and maintains its integrity. Soda cans are the most commonly recycled, but aluminum can also be found in window frames, gutters, or siding. When it’s recycled, fewer gas emissions are released and save up to 95 percent of energy. Aluminum metal recycling also saves the raw materials for creating other metals like aluminum fluoride and caustic soda, making it a worthwhile investment and eco-friendly practice.

2. Brassmetal recycling

Brass is durable and with a high shine quality. The metal and alloys can be found in locks, valves, musical instruments, light fixtures, and more. Because brass is an adaptive and sustainable metal, many companies use scrap brass to manufacture their products, making it more valuable.

3. Copper

An incredibly coveted metal, copper is accepted by almost all scrap yards and is most commonly found in wires like power cords or fixtures like plumbing pipes. It takes a lot of time and energy to create copper from ore, making recycled copper more profitable for industry use. Any item you come across containing this valuable metal is a highly useful and profitable choice for scrap.


Want to sell your metals for scrap? Check out the metal recycling services at Metalico Rochester. With three scrap yard locations throughout the Rochester, NY, area, they accept a range of metals and offer a high-quality exchange process. Recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Green Power Partner, they’re here to make the metal recycling process as efficient as possible. Check out their website to learn more about their services or give them a call at (585) 436-0713 to hear their current scrap pricing.