
In addition to keeping our possessions safe, locks offer a sense of security for both homeowners. While these fixtures are durable, they don’t last forever. There are many reasons to consider replacing or rekeying your locks. If you’ve experienced any of these situations below, it’s best to contact a locksmith for replacing or rekeying services to protect your belongings.

5 Reasons to Replace or Rekey Your Locks

1. New Home

When you move into a new house, there is no telling how many sets of keys to your locks are floating around. The previous owners may still have keys to your home, and they likely gave extra sets to their family and friends. For peace of mind, consider rekeying them, so you won’t have to wait longer for a locksmith to replace the entire fixture. This way, you’ll have a unique set of keys.

2. Lost Keys

Once you’ve lost a set of keys, you don’t know where—or in whose hands—they’ll end up. Take an active step in protecting your home by changing the locks before any intruders find your keys and use them.

3. Difficult Breakup

After going through a breakup, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t want your ex-partner to have access to your home anymore. Instead of spending time and energy confronting them about getting your keys back, call a locksmith to rekey them.

4. Home Invasion

rekeyingHaving your home broken into is a scary experience, and changing the locks after it happens is an excellent step to feeling safe again. Protect yourself with new locks that haven’t been compromised, and ask your locksmith about installing deadbolts for an added layer of security. 

5. Old Locks

As with anything, locks age. If yours are rusting or sticking, they won’t function properly. Old locks can make it easier for unwanted guests to enter your home. Additionally, these locks can jam, causing you to lock yourself out and disrupt your day. Instead of risking a lockout or a lock failure, replace old locks and avoid the headache.



When the time comes for replacing or rekeying your locks, enlist the help of A. Scalia Lock & Key. Located in Quaker Hill, CT, this company has been in operation for over 30 years, and they’ll give you the trustworthy locksmith services you need. Visit them online to learn more about their services, including lock installation, repair, and replacement. For a free price quote, call (860) 444-6822.
