
Good oral health means good overall health –which is why you should practice preventive dental care every day. Check out Dr. Joy Lunan’s tips to help your whole family maintain a healthy smile.

Babies & Toddlers:

* Parents should gently wash baby’s new teeth twice a day either with a washcloth or a soft baby toothbrush.

*Toddlers should start brushing with the help of mom and dad by using an age appropriate toothbrush with a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste. You can use a little more toothpaste as the child gets older. Everyone, including kids, should brush twice a day for two minutes.

*All toddlers are different, but Dr. Lunan recommends that they come see her around the time when they are also able to sit for a haircut. This can range between the ages of 2-4. 


*Children’s teeth should be flossed once a day as soon as there are two teeth that touch. For younger children, parents should floss for them.

*To teach an older child to floss, take about 18 inches of floss and wrap it around the middle fingers both, wrapping the floss around one finger as it is used.  You can try flossers or a water pik also. Anything that helps develop lifelong habits.


*Teach teens to drink water to help dilute the acids in the mouth, protecting teeth from cavities.

*Limit beverages like sports drinks, coffee, soda as these can all increase the chances for tooth decay as well as obesity.

*Teen athletes should be fitted with a custom made mouthguard to reduce the number of sports related mouth injuries. 

Older Adults:

*Older adults who have trouble swallowing can try using less toothpaste when brushing – or none at all in extreme cases. The most important thing is the actual act of brushing away food debris and plaque.

*Consider a child sized toothbrush or an electric model to accomodate dexterity ailments.

*Dentures should be cleaned every day by brushing all surfaces with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste and then rinsed in water. Be sure to keep away from animals when not in use.

*Be sure that Dr. Lunan has an up to date list of all medications and medical conditions.

For the Whole Family:

*Brush for two minutes, twice a day.

*Replace all toothbrushes every 3-4 months or sooner if the bristles show wear, or of the person has been sick.

*Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables.

*Avoid all tobacco products.

*Visit Dr. Joy Lunan twice a year for regular dental cleanings and checkups.

To schedule an appointment call us at 203-598-7920.     Check out our patients reviews.



