
Have you ever wondered why your teeth are discoloring? Dr. Joy Lunan shares the top five causes.

  1.  Genetics – Like any other trait, discolored teeth can run in your family genetics.  Natural shades of enamel can vary, with some people closer to the darker end of the spectrum.
  2. Age – Teeth naturally discolor as we age due to the enamel wearing away revealing the yellowish layer of tooth under the enamel called dentin. 
  3. Medications – Some types of anithistamines, antipsychotic drugs and high blood pressure medications can cause our enamel to discolor. Tetracycline antibiotics are know to recult in severe teeth staining, expecially in young children. Since the 1980’s doctors have stopping prescribing this drug to children under the age of 8 and to pregnant woman.
  4. Tannins – These natural compounds found in coffee, tea, and wine can stick to enamel and leave stains over time.
  5. Tobacco – The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes, cigars and smokeless tobacco can make teeth discolor very quickly. Longtime users of these products often find themsleves with brown stains that are hard to remove.

There is help! A regular dental cleaning in Dr. Joy Lunan’s dental office in the Middlebury, CT area can help remove stains and brighten your smile. Dr. Lunan’s office also offers teeth whitening services. Schedule an appointment today to discuss what option will work best to brighten up your smile.   203-598-7920
