
After the steam from a hot shower dissipates, you might see cloudy spots left on glass doors and walls. The residue is a mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates from hard water and soap. Because glass is porous, the scum can slowly seep into the panels, decreasing the life expectancy of your investments. The cleaning procedures outlined here will prevent corrosion and keep the glass crystal clear.

What Materials You’ll Need 

Avoid using ammonia-based products on glass doors and walls. The chemical can damage coatings, and breathing in the fumes can be dangerous. Instead, use white vinegar and baking soda to gently dissolve soap scum. You’ll also need a spray bottle, scrub sponge, glass-safe cleaning solution, and a microfiber cloth to complete the process. 

How to Clean the Panels

Waipahu-Hawaii-glass-doorAfter gathering the supplies, briefly turn on the shower head to soak the glass doors and walls. Next, pour white vinegar in the spray bottle and spritz the panels. To break apart the gunk, let the solution sit for at least 10 minutes. In the meantime, sprinkle baking soda on the sponge. Use it to gently scrub the glass. Once you’re done scrubbing, rinse off the solution with water and dry the panels with the cloth. You can also use a glass cleaner afterward to prevent streaking. 

How to Maintain Cleanliness 

Not letting water dry on glass doors and walls will keep your shower enclosure spot-free. After toweling off, use a dry washcloth or squeegee to wipe down the surfaces. You should also spray the glass with a protective solution that contains hydrophobic compounds, which will repel water to prevent stains. If mineral deposit buildup is cause for concern, install a water softener to remove calcium and magnesium.


In addition to keeping glass doors and walls clean, reach out to the technicians at KKTF Hawaii for repairs to keep your shower enclosures in top shape. With over two decades of experience, the Waipahu, HI-based licensed professionals will also provide glazing services to reduce condensation and improve the aesthetic value of your door and window glass. For shower door installation anywhere on Oahu, call (808) 200-0562. You can also view product photos on the company’s website.
