
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a digital marketing strategy that’s here to stay for the long haul. However, it’s constantly evolving at a fast pace, which means that brands need to constantly adjust their strategies to keep up with the changing trends. Here are five of the most current SEO trends you should be aware of.

Must-Know Search Engine Optimization Trends

1. Featured Snippets

A featured snippet on Google® is one of the most effective gauges of how effective your search engine optimization strategy is. A snippet is a portion of your site (such as a paragraph) that’s relevant to a user’s search terms. If part of your site appears as a featured snippet, Google is promoting your site above your competitors.

2. Mobile-First Indexing

Search engine optimizationAs more people browse the internet on their phones and tablets, Google has made it imperative for websites to be mobile-friendly by rewarding those who optimize their sites for smaller screens. Mobile-friendly sites are given priority in Google’s search engine index, which is the catalog of all web pages. If you want a good head start over your closest competitors, make sure your page is as responsive and mobile-ready as it can be.   

3. Structured Data

Among the critical elements of SEO is structured data, which is featured in your site’s code. While useful for rich snippets, structured data is also important for searches powered by artificial intelligence, or AI. Structured data will help AI connecting the meanings and relationships present in your content, giving your site a boost in AI-powered searches.

4. Technical SEO

Although solid, value-rich content is still king in search engine optimization, your technical performance is also important. Slower-loading pages are given lower search rankings, so learn how to leverage new online trends and breakthroughs for faster performance. Building your site with a Javascript framework like Vue or React could also lead to improved technical performance and user experience.

5. Life After Google

It’s undeniable that Google reigns supreme when it comes to searches, but other platforms are starting to gain prominence as well. Go beyond Google so you can optimize with other content aggregators and channels. Amazon® and Apple’s App Store® are two platforms you can’t ignore. If your business involves e-commerce, it pays to set up shop in Amazon, where you can boost your sales. Likewise, having an app in Apple’s App Store is an excellent way to increase your visibility and expand your reach.



For better understanding and comprehensive assistance on search engine optimization, turn to Fredrickson Communications. As a trusted managed service provider in Mebane, NC, they’ve offered solutions such as VoIP, business internet, cloud services, web design, and SEO to clients across Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh. Call (336) 512-0003 or set your complimentary consultation online.
