
Busy mothers know all too well how challenging it can be to navigate a busy day without succumbing to sheer exhaustion. There are things to do from sunup to sundown, and it can be daunting to tackle it all. Thankfully, caffeine helps start the day right and is often the key to powering through the rest of it. With options ranging from simple coffee to potent espresso, moms may not be sure exactly which is the best choice. Here’s what you should know.

Differentiating Between Coffee & Espresso

1. Preparation

One of the key differences between the two is their method of preparation. Espresso is a highly concentrated beverage made with coffee and hot water. During the process, the water is pushed through a basket packed with finely ground coffee at a high pressure. Coffee, by contrast, is made by brewing ground beans. Homeowners often use standard automatic drip machines or French press devices.

2. Flavor

West Chester, OH coffeeThere’s no mistaking the flavor of espresso. It’s a rich, bold, and intense taste that is heady and creamy at once. Coffee has a smoother, less dramatic flavor, often attributed to the fact that the grounds are in contact with water for lengthier periods of time.

3. Varieties

Both coffee and espresso can be enjoyed in numerous ways. Moms on the go might favor a black coffee or prefer to add a dollop of cream to soften the flavor a bit. For those who prefer something more complex of their coffee shop orders, an espresso mixed with milk can yield a number of options. Common options include cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos. Shots of syrup are often added for a pop of extra flavor.

4. Caffeine

Espresso is a robust, instant perk-me-up option for a mom operating on little sleep. A shot, or approximately an ounce of the beverage, contains about 63 milligrams of caffeine. A comparative amount of plain coffee has approximately 15 milligrams. Bear in mind that the average serving of plain espresso is an ounce or two, while the average cup of coffee is more like eight ounces. That increases the caffeine factor considerably.


There’s so much to love about spending quality time with your children—but there’s also something to be said for a little downtime. At Learning Through Play Cafe, Inc. in West Chester, OH, parents can relax while their little ones run around the playground and explore arts and crafts. At this unique establishment, you can sip on your beverage of choice, be it a plain cup of coffee or a flavored latte, and recharge for the day ahead. Their menu is loaded with delicious options for lunch, too! Visit them online to browse their offerings, or call (513) 847-8133 to speak with a team member today.
