
If you’re researching medical assistant programs, it means you’ve chosen to start a career that will change lives. There are many classes you could enroll in, but it’s important to find quality schools to help you excel in the field. Below are three relevant questions to ask before enrolling.

What to Consider When Vetting Medical Assistant Programs

1. Will It Prepare You for the Exam & Career?

The medical assistant program should be accredited, and part of the curriculum should be devoted to preparing you for the certified medical assistant (CMA) test. Extra tutoring and study group opportunities should also be available if needed. Choose a school where the instructors have experience in medical assistantship and the school has a solid exam pass rate and positive testimonials.

2. Does It Offer Hands-On Training?medical assistant program

Textbooks and lectures can only teach you so much. To prepare you for a medical assistant career, hands-on training opportunities, such as clinicals, externships, or internships at medical offices, are imperative. This gives you experience and allows you to get a feel for the job. It will prepare you for how to handle difficult patients, long hours, stressful days, and high-pressure situations. You’ll incorporate what you’ve learned in your medical assistant classes while picking up practical knowledge and tricks.

3. Do They Have a Quality Career Placement Department?

Look for a school that offers assistance with job placement after you pass the CMA exam. This almost guarantees that you hit the ground running right after your certification. It also shows that the school is respected enough to have good relationships with local practices who will accept recent graduates on their behalf.


The Westchester School for Dental Assistants in Elmsford, NY, has everything you’ve been looking for in medical assistant programs. They offer outstanding medical assistant certification courses with hands-on training through externships, resume development, and career placement opportunities. Their leading instructors care about your future. Financial aid is available and they have flexible scheduling to suit your schedule. Learn more about their CMA program online and call (914) 682-9001 for help with enrollment.
