
If you choose the bar or club you’re going out to on a Friday night based on which DJ or band will be there, then you know there’s a difference between live and recorded music. To many bar-goers, the type of music can make or break the evening. Here are a few factors to consider when deciding between a venue that provides recorded or live music.

Live Music

Watching an artist perform their songs and dance on stage while singing along with them is a euphoric experience for many people. Live music allows listeners to hear a pure, unedited voice and enjoy a concert-like atmosphere. Sometimes, live bands or musicians even stray from their normal playlists and opt to do requests and covers.

Your goal for the night will affect whether you’ll appreciate live music. If you’re there to hear something new or get caught up in the excitement of the performance, the music will sweep you away. On the other hand, if you want to dance and chat with friends, the music may be too loud or mellow to accommodate. Check the artist’s genre beforehand if possible.

Recorded Music

live-musicRecorded music lets you listen to bands or musicians who have passed away for a sense of nostalgia. It also provides a more controlled experience—the acoustics or your position in the crowd likely won’t affect your enjoyment of the music. Recorded music doesn’t take five-minute breaks or talk between songs either. It just keeps playing, which is ideal for dancing. However, recorded music can’t match the vibrancy and drama of an artist pouring their soul into the show.


Whether you're looking to dance the night away or eat a delicious meal while enjoying live music, head to Hula's Bar & Lei Stand in Honolulu, HI. This dance club has been the go-to destination for food and fun for over 44 years. Host a private party or meet up with friends on the dance floor at this LGBTQ+ bar. Find out more about their upcoming events online, or call (808) 923-0669 to inquire about planning an event.