
Snorkeling tours give adventurers and nature lovers alike the opportunity to dive in and encounter a broad spectrum of marine life. If you’re exploring the Hawaiian coral reefs, you may come face-to-face with many fascinating and colorful invertebrates, like the ones described below.

5 Invertebrates to Look for in Hawaii Coral Reefs

1. Harlequin Shrimp

With distinctive crimson spots and striped legs, harlequin shrimp are easy to spot for snorkeling tour goers on the lookout. Related to crabs, lobsters, and shrimp, these crustaceans use their jointed appendages to hunt, breathe, sense their surroundings, and reproduce. They primarily feed on slow-moving starfish.

2. Sea Cucumber

Like other echinoderms, sea cucumbers have no hearts, heads, or brains. Their soft, spongy bodies are primarily muscular and contain a water vascular system that allows them to propel forward with their many tube feet. The “mouth” end of the sea cucumber bears a set of tentacles that gathers food particles from the water and seafloor.

3. Feather Duster Wormsnorkeling tours

Although you might not believe these feathery, colorful animals are related to the earthworm, feather duster worms are indeed in the same family. These segmented worms live in long, leathery tubes they create and affix to rocks and coral for protection. After their larval stage is complete, they remain in the same spot for the rest of their lives. The elaborate fan of tentacles that extends from their heads allows feather duster worms to take in oxygen and filter feed.

4. Day Octopus

Highly intelligent and built with a complex sensory system, octopuses are often considered the most advanced of the marine invertebrates. They’re well-adapted for detecting both predators and prey. Observers on snorkeling tours may witness an octopus using their unique camouflaging ability, their jet propulsion system that allows for quick getaways, or their agile arms equipped with sensory receptors to detect potential meals.

5. Box Jellyfish

Named after their cube-like bodies, box jellyfish are carnivorous. Their stinging tentacles capture and stun small prey while also protecting them from predators. There are three known species of box jellyfish in Hawaii, the largest of which only spans about three inches at its longest. Keep a distance from these invertebrates because their stings are painful.


If you’re ready for the chance to swim alongside one of these incredible creatures, book a snorkeling tour with EŌ Wai‘anae Tours. This family-owned and -operated catamaran boat company provides exciting and educational tours of the Oahu coast, complete with breathtaking views and knowledgeable guides. These excursions allow visitors to see the majesty of marine life, from dolphins and sea turtles to colorful coral reefs. To learn more about their boat tours, visit them online, or call (808) 699-5910 today to book your next adventure.
