
Most children get braces during their preteen years, when they’re old enough to oversee their own dental care. However, as with all aspects of hygiene during adolescence, you may find yourself needing to remind them about how to best care for their teeth during this time. To ensure your child is cleaning their teeth while their braces are on, explore the helpful guide below.

How Is Dental Care Different With Braces?

Many aspects of dental care are similar for teeth with and without braces. Brushing, for example, is completed the same way in either case. The wires which extend horizontally across the teeth can make flossing challenging, however. While it’s still possible to floss by gently threading between braces, your child might find floss threaders easier to use. These unique, disposable tools allow the floss to maneuver beneath wires with ease. A water flosser might be another alternative to consider.

dental careBecause braces create more spots for food to get trapped, your child may also need to upgrade their normal hygiene practices a bit. For instance, your child’s orthodontist might recommend brushing after every meal—instead of just at morning and night. You might also purchase an interdental brush, which is a thin, pipe cleaner-like apparatus that’s used to keep braces clean.

What Can You Do to Encourage Optimal Oral Care?

The best way parents can encourage strong oral hygiene while their child has braces is to make dental care as convenient as possible. You might have your child bring a spare toothbrush and toothpaste to use at school, for instance, and leave floss threaders easily accessible in the bathroom. Don’t forget to schedule biannual dentist’s visits, too. Professional care is just as important while braces are on.


Whether your child has braces or you’re just seeking a professional team to help them maintain optimal dental care, look no further than Alaska Dentistry for Kids. Located in Anchorage, this children’s dentist’s office is led by Dr. Christopher Coplin, who has 18 years of experience treating infants to adolescents. Their welcoming office caters to the needs of children with a fun environment and a large collection of stuffed animals. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (907) 274-2525 to schedule an appointment.
