
Crying is a normal part of everyday life with an infant. It’s the primary way of vocalizing their needs. However, when it becomes excessive, it may mean that something else is wrong. Colic is an issue that many parents face, and it’s important to recognize it in your child. While not life-threatening, you’ll still want to see their doctor for an exam if you notice any of the following symptoms. 

What Is Colic?

doctorColic is frequent and lengthy episodes of crying in infants. Often, the child can’t be consoled. It first manifests around six weeks old and dissipates at three to four months. It can be difficult for parents to manage and stressful for the child. Common symptoms include crying for reasons other than hunger, diaper changes, and tiredness. A red face or pale skin while crying, reoccurring episodes at the same time of day, or crying that resembles screaming in pain are also common symptoms. While none of these will cause serious health complications, you need to determine if the crying is related to colic or an underlying health condition, so always see a doctor.

How Do You Treat It?

Colic can have several causes ranging from an underdeveloped digestive system to food allergies and general stress and anxiety. The doctor will first look for signs of allergies, such as rashes, heart rate abnormalities, or skin sensitivity. Once they rule out other causes, they’ll recommend ways to relax your child. These methods include using a pacifier and changing their feeding schedule. They may also suggest a change in diet and can provide stress-management tips for you to use until the colic phase passes.


Whether you’re concerned about colic or your child is overdue for a visit to the doctor, contact Peninsula Community Health Services. This Soldotna, AK, medical center offers a variety of services ranging from traditional care to behavioral health and dental care services. Their skilled team takes a one-on-one approach to care and will work closely with you to ensure you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Call (907) 262-3119 to schedule an exam and visit their website to learn more about their services. You can connect on Facebook for more health tips.
