
What would happen if a devastating event destroyed your businesses’  headquarters?  All of your servers and your equipment are lost. Your brick and mortar location is gone.  How quickly would you be able to bounce back? Would it be fast enough, or would your customers turn to a competitor for your product or service? While you can never anticipate a disaster, you can create a plan for what you would do in the event of one occurring. Having a business continuity plan (BCP) will help get your business get back on its feet as quickly as possible in the case of an emergency.

How a Business Continuity Plan Can Help You in a Disaster

What Is a Continuity Plan?

A BCP is a system that helps your business prevent or quickly recover from threats to the company. This can include natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and any issue that could come up in your specific industry. Once you’ve identified these risks, you can work to combat them with a BCP. If your business is attacked and you don’t have a way to mitigate these issues, you will have higher costs and lower revenue, leading to a loss of profitability. You can’t just depend on insurance to fix your business, because, by the time the payment comes through, your customers might have gone elsewhere. This plan will keep you operational and allow you to continue fulfilling the needs of your client base.

Some Steps in Building a Continuity Plan

business continuity plan Saint Charles County, MOIt’s a good idea to hire a company to create this plan instead of creating it yourself. There’s a lot of information that needs to be in your BCP, and a professional will make sure everything works properly. Here are some steps that the specialist will take you through.

  • Identify the threats your business may face

  • Decide how your business could recover from these disasters in the best way

  • Create a team that will manage and write the BCP

  • Train other team members on how to use the continuity plan

  • Test the plan regularly to make sure it works

After they have answered these questions and tested their methods, the BCP can be rolled out and introduced company-wide. This will give your entire company peace of mind by knowing that there will be an actionable plan in the event of an emergency.


Command Solutions creates emergency management programs for businesses in and around Saint Charles County, MO. Their experienced consultants will design plans that will help you and your business in various disaster scenarios. They also offer business continuity plan services to get your company prepared and allow you to rest easy, knowing that your future is in good hands. Visit their website to learn more about emergency preparedness or call (314) 803-7418 to discuss preparing a continuity plan.
