
Spills can happen to car upholstery at any time, whether during your morning coffee run, routine vehicle maintenance, or from kids eating in the backseats among other things. Staining agents also leave odors behind, resulting in a messy, unpleasant-smelling cabin that won’t contribute to the resale value. Keep your cabin seats in good condition by following these odor and stain guidelines.

How to Maintain Car Upholstery

Removing Odors

Eliminating odors from car upholstery doesn’t have to cost a lot. Use inexpensive, non-toxic white vinegar to absorb odors and enjoy a fresher-smelling cabin. Fill two medium-sized bowls with the liquid and place one on the dashboard. Place the other on the backseat--use small wooden blocks or any other props to keep it in place if you think it might spill. Roll up all of your car windows and leave the vinegar bowls overnight before cleaning the upholstery.

car upholsteryKeep odors out of your vehicle in the future not only by addressing stains quickly, but by refraining from smoking in your car. Also avoid eating in the vehicle as much as possible, especially fast food, Indian food, or anything else with a distinct smell.

Removing Stains

The sooner you attack a stain, the less likely it is to stay put. Dilute beverage, food, and auto maintenance chemical spills immediately with cool water to make cleaning easier. Use products from your home to lift stains, such as baking soda. For example, mix ¼ of baking soda in a cup of warm water and use a clean toothbrush to scrub the stain away. Let the mixture stand for about 30 minutes before working on tough stains.

Other car upholstery stain removal options include spraying the spill with club soda or a mixture of ¼ white vinegar, warm water, and a few drops of liquid dish detergent before gently scrubbing. You can also use manufacturer-recommended upholstery cleaner, laundry detergent diluted with warm water, or even glass cleaner. Soak the stain with glass cleaner for about five minutes, then blot it with a clean towel or cloth.

Use the white vinegar-detergent mixture to deep-clean car upholstery about every three months, and vacuum the cabin every few weeks to keep potential staining agents such as dirt out of your cabin. If the seat fabric is older and beyond cleaning, get it replaced by auto upholstery repair experts.

Trust your car upholstery to the team at Whitehurst Auto Trim & Upholstery Inc. in Dothan, AL, to maintain your vehicle cabin. Specializing in custom fabrications for cars and boats, this friendly team offers vinyl, leather, and upholstery solutions that last. Call (334) 792-6145 today to schedule an appointment or visit the website for more service information. Like the Facebook page for the latest auto upholstery tips and product news.
