
Aside from watering and fertilizing, mowing is the most necessary task for keeping your lawn healthy and looking lush. There’s a correct way to do it, which includes the proper use of a lawn mower. To have a well-manicured, emerald green landscape in no time, follow the tips below.

How to Maintain a Healthy Lawn With Mowing

1. Keep Your Blades Sharp

lawn mowerLawn mowers are your tools of the trade, so keep their blades sharp to achieve the best results. Dull blades tear the grass and result in jagged edges, which become entry points for pests and diseases. A turf mowed with dull blades has a brown, damaged-looking top. Before cutting, sharpen them or have an extra set at hand.

2. Do It Regularly

Aim to mow at least once a week during the warmer months to maintain the right height and avoid stressing your lawn. However, do it more frequently during its peak growth. Some grass types grow faster in specific seasons. Know which species covers your lawn and adjust how often you mow accordingly.

3. Refrain From Scalping

If you’ve skipped your regular mowing, avoid going overboard when you have to cut it. Keep the grass height at two to three inches, which is high enough for it to grow stronger, maintain soil moisture, and keep out weed seeds more effectively. A buzz cut results in poor root development and a sparse-looking lawn. When mowing, leave the grass clippings behind so they can fertilize the soil and slow down moisture evaporation.

4. Mow When Dry

Bring out your lawn mower only when your turf is dry. Wet mowing causes the grass to clump and clog the mower deck and blades. It also results in an uneven cut and leaves deep ruts on the yard. Clumps of damp clippings can even smother the turf underneath. Refrain from mowing during the hottest part of the day as grass blades tend to lose water faster at this time and become more stressed.

5. Switch up the Pattern

Running lawn mowers on the same route every time results in soil compaction, deep ruts, and grass blades growing at an angle. It can also cause weeds to thrive in certain areas. Avoid these issues by changing your mowing pattern to evenly spread out the wear on your lawn and reduce the risk of compaction.


Get the supplies you need to keep your lawn healthy at Paul’s Outdoor Equipment. Located in Dayton, OH, they’ve provided outdoor power equipment such as lawn mowers, trimmers, and tractors to residents around the area since 2002. They also offer lawn mower repair and engine tune-ups. Call (937) 835-0000 to speak with a representative or view their product line on their website.
