
Indoor air quality is a health concern in enclosed spaces like homes and offices, which is why it needs adequate attention and sustainable solutions. One way to keep the air healthy and prevent the spread of contaminants is to employ a cleaning service to keep the space hygienic. Here are a few answers to common questions on the topic.

Answers to Common Office Air Quality Questions

What factors contribute to indoor air quality?

The air quality in your office environment depends on several factors, including sources of pollutants or contaminants, maintenance of HVAC systems, current levels of moisture and humidity, and the occupants themselves. They all impact the quality of air that circulates throughout the building. Focus on these aspects when you want to improve indoor air quality.

What contaminants do offices typically contain?

Common contaminants in the office come from numerous sources, such as activities in the building, pest control, cleaning services, remodeling or renovations, and new furnishings. There are three types of indoor pollutants—biological, chemical, and particulates. Microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi are considered biological contaminants, along with dust mites, animal dander, and pollen. Chemical pollutants, on the other hand, come in the form of toxic vapors from volatile organic compounds, smoke, and harmful gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Particles such as dirt, dust, and particulates from copiers and printers also contaminate the air that you breathe.

What are the signs of poor air quality?

An office environment cleaning servicewith poor indoor air quality manifests itself through the occupants inside. Polluted air increases the risk of illnesses, which tend to spread quickly in an enclosed space. People have different reactions to irritants—some are overly sensitive to low levels while others have a high tolerance to contaminants. But when many employees start reporting symptoms like headaches, colds, allergic reactions, and acute respiratory problems, you should have the quality of indoor air assessed and corrected.

Can you reverse poor indoor air quality?

Fortunately, you can improve the air quality in your office. One way to do so is to opt for a regular cleaning service to completely wipe out surface contaminants like dust and dirt, which will circulate indoors until removed. Routine HVAC maintenance is also necessary—the system circulates and distributes air, so it should be useful in trapping airborne contaminants with its filters.


Improve the air quality in your office with the help of a professional cleaning service. Let the team at Office Sweep take care of it. As a commercial cleaning company in Texarkana, AR, they’ve provided a range of exceptional—but affordable—janitorial services to businesses throughout the area. Call (903) 244-2980 for estimates on office cleaning service or visit their website to learn how they can help.
