
If you have a septic tank on your property, it’s crucial to schedule pumping services at least once every three years. This helps it operate efficiently and ensures that the system stays sanitary. Before the team arrives, there are several steps you can take to prepare for the appointment. Here’s what you should know.

How to Get Ready for Septic Tank Cleaning

1. Gather Your Records

If you’ve worked with the same septic maintenance company for years, it’s likely that they already have information about its condition and any previous problems. But if you’re working with someone new, make sure that you gather your records in advance of their arrival. The paperwork includes vital information such as the tank’s size, capacity, and age, all of which play significant roles in determining how often it should be pumped. This information can also help your technician if they discover a problem.

2. Monitor Your Usageseptic tank

In the months leading up to your cleaning appointment, keep a close eye on your household habits. Watch what you flush and rinse down the drains and minimize your use of water-dependent appliances. Never let substances like fat, grease, oil, and coffee grounds down the drain. They don’t break down properly and may cause a blockage in the septic tank.  Monitoring your habits more closely can help them better understand the source of a problem if your technician finds one.

3. Prepare for Anything

Proper septic care and water consumption management are key to protecting the life of the system. By maintaining it well, you probably won’t be met by surprises during cleaning. But if it hasn’t been pumped in years and you tend to rinse unwelcome substances down the drain, be prepared to deal with a possible repair. Tackling those issues will ensure that your plumbing system doesn’t suffer in the long term.

American On Site is the leading source for septic tank cleaning in Molalla, OR. Proudly serving homeowners throughout Willamette Valley, the company offers a number of services designed to protect the integrity of your septic system, including pumping, maintenance, and repairs. Visit them online to find out more about how they can help you, or call (503) 829-7600 to schedule an appointment.
