
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, and gynecologists across the nation are spotlighting this disease to help patients become informed. Learn about what you can do to identify or control your risk profile for the disease in the guide below.

What Are the Symptoms?

Symptoms of ovarian cancer may not present in the earliest stages of the disease. If they do appear, they are sometimes mistaken for more benign conditions, as they tend to be nonspecific. With that being said, if you experience pelvic discomfort, abdominal bloating or swelling, a feeling of fullness quickly upon eating, weight loss, or a frequent need to urinate, be sure to discuss your symptoms with your gynecologist.

Are Screenings Available?

gynecologistDetecting cancer in its early stages may allow doctors to explore a wider range of treatment options, which can also lead to greater odds of success. Regular visits to your gynecologist’s office is the best way to detect ovarian cancer early if it ever manifests. There, you can discuss your family history and receive routine women’s health exams. While there are no screenings available specifically for ovarian cancer, a regular pelvic exam may help detect abnormalities.

Can It Be Prevented?

Ovarian cancer is believed to be caused by a combination of factors. While it can occur at any age, the disease is most common between the ages of 50 and 60. Gene mutations, a family history, and use of hormone replacement therapy may also contribute to risk. There may be ways you can minimize your chances of developing the disease, depending on your risk profile. For instance, some women who have a gene mutation that increases risk of ovarian cancer may choose to have a hysterectomy, or removal of the reproductive organs, to prevent it.


If you’d like to discuss your risk for ovarian cancer or you have any other concerns, consult the caring gynecologists from OBGYN Associates in Fairfield and West Chester, OH. Operating since 1940, this practice provides comprehensive women’s health care services, including obstetrics, gynecology, and ultrasounds. They also offer genetic testing to help you identify the potential for developing serious reproductive conditions. Learn more about this service on their website, or call (513) 221-3800 to schedule an appointment.
