
Thumb-sucking can seem normal or even cute to many parents. While it is a common habit among young children, it can have serious oral health consequences when it goes on for too long. It’s important to understand how thumb-sucking affects your child’s mouth and how you can take steps to break the habit. Below is a selection of helpful pediatric dentistry information and tips.

Your Guide to Thumb-Sucking & Oral Health

Why Children Suck Their Thumbs

For most children, thumb-sucking is a relaxing practice that provides security. It’s often done when a child is stressed or trying to fall asleep. It’s normal, and it often stops by the ages of six to seven months or between two and four years. Thumb-sucking becomes an issue when their permanent teeth come in around the age of six.

Impact on Oral Health

pediatric dentistryThumb-sucking draws the teeth forward. This can create alignment issues with baby and adult teeth that result in crossbite, overbite, and related problems that will require orthodontic care. These can then affect eating and speech development, including how the tone of your child’s voice develops. When your child sucks their thumb, they also introduce bacteria that can lead to infections.

Ways to Break the Habit

Every child responds differently when confronted about their thumb-sucking habit. Start the discussion early, and be careful not to make them feel bad. Some children will be able to quit immediately, while others may need to be weaned off the habit. Identify triggers can help speed up the process. If they suck their thumb when they’re falling asleep or stressed in social situations, hug them to comfort them and remind them that they don’t need to suck their thumb. If you catch them sucking their thumbs, politely remind them to stop and reward them as they cut down the frequency. Their pediatric dentistry professional can offer additional rewards and guidance at their next exam so they eventually abandon the habit.



If your child is overdue for their next pediatric dentistry checkup, schedule an appointment at Philmont Family Dentistry. This Philmont, NY, practice offers a variety of dental care services. Family dentist Dr. Tareq Kahlifeh has over 20 years of experience and can assist with both general and pediatric dentistry needs. Call (518) 672-4077 to schedule an oral exam and visit their website to learn more about the practice.
