
Hobo spiders are a common house spider primarily located in the Pacific Northwest and known for their funnel-shaped webs. Contrary to popular belief, they are not dangerous to humans, though they are a nuisance when they infest a home. To help identify these insects and know when you should hire a spider control professional, below are a few relevant points to know about hobo spiders.


The physical appearance of hobo spiders resembles that of many other arachnids. They have brown bodies, gray bellies with yellow markings, and long legs. The body is typically no more than a half-inch long, and their legs are about one to two inches in length. They are more easily identified by their webs, which they spin at a remarkable rate—up to three feet per second. The webs often contain funnels or tubes in which the spiders hide to catch prey.

If you suspect your home has a spider controlhobo spider problem, look for their telltale webs. They are usually located near the foundation of a home or between stationary objects near the floor. Hobo spiders are not proficient climbers, so they tend to stick to lower levels. If you see the funnel-like webs, contact a spider control professional.


Because they resemble so many other kinds of spiders, several of which are dangerous to humans, hobo spiders were initially thought to be a health risk. Recent research proves they are harmless. They can bite, however, most often through July to September. The bite is usually painless; if you feel anything, the sensation might resemble a split-second pinprick.

Treating a Bite

Hobo spider venom is not toxic to humans, but you should always tend to any insect bite. Wash the area with soap and water, apply an icepack, and, if the bite was on the arm or leg, keep the limb elevated. If you have a severe reaction or are concerned about any symptoms of a spider bite, see a medical professional immediately.


Extermination Services has been providing spider control to the Kitsap County, WA, area since 1991. Their fully trained and licensed exterminators have experience in all types of pest removal, from spiders and termites to roaches and rodents. Their ant and spider control services come with a 90-day warranty. Call (360) 895-1890 or visit their website to request a pest control quote.
