
Even if the ductwork throughout your home was installed correctly, it can develop air leaks. Because ducts are often found in areas of the home with less insulation, they are vulnerable to temperature changes that eventually result in the weakening of the material. Air duct sealing by your local HVAC contractor fixes these problems for a more comfortable, energy-efficient residence.

Why Prioritize Air Duct Sealing?

1. Prevents Hot & Cold Spots Throughout the Home

If some rooms in your home are excessively hot while others are frigid, there are leaks in your ductwork for your HVAC contractor to address. Duct sealing ensures the right amount of hot or cold air gets delivered to each room in your home to maintain a comfortable residence free of serious temperature discrepancies.

2. Saves Money

When hot or cold air leaks out of your ductwork, the HVAC works much harder to heat or cool your home. As a result, your energy bills go up. The system might also overstrain itself to the point that it requires repairs. However, by taking preventative measures, you can stop this chain of events. 

3. Contributes to Safety

HVAC contractorGas furnaces and water heaters release carbon dioxide and other combustible gases into the ductwork. When leaks are present, you may experience back-drafting, a process by which these hazardous gases infiltrate your home instead of exiting through the ventilation system. Ductwork sealing keeps carbon dioxide and other gases where they belong.  

4. Improves Air Quality

Not only does duct sealing by a reputable HVAC contractor keep dangerous gases out of your home, it further improves air quality by preventing entry by other hazardous fumes. When your ducts are sealed, fumes from pesticides, insecticides, insulation particles, household cleaners, vehicle emissions, dust, and other pollutants have a harder time entering your house.


Interested in some of these benefits? Get your ducts sealed by the HVAC contractors at Mr. Cool Heating & Cooling in Denver, CO. Offering 10-year warranties on installations and 30-day warranties on repairs, these fully licensed and insured experts provide the budget-friendly solutions their clients need. Call (720) 338-7106 today to schedule an appointment or visit the team online for service details. Get additional HVAC maintenance tips on Facebook.
