
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed at the prospect of ending your marriage, whether you were together for five years or 25 years. Thankfully, there are ways to make the proceedings easier. For example, if you address each issue one by one, much like completing a to-do list, you’ll have overcome all the biggest hurdles before you know it. Here are the three most important issues to discuss with your divorce lawyer as soon as you decide to file.

What to Discuss With Your Divorce Attorney

1. Child Custody

If you share children with your ex, child custody is the most important issue to address. Your divorce lawyer will not only explain state laws but also help you devise strategic compromises to secure a favorable custody arrangement. An attorney can also discuss child support obligations and explain how they're calculated in Georgia so you know what to expect on the financial front.

2. Property Division

divorce lawyerIf you and your spouse can agree on how to divide marital property—or you have a prenup—a judge will likely sign off on the agreement. If, on the other hand, you can't agree, the court will step in and divide everything equitably. However, keep in mind that equitable does not necessarily mean equal. In other words, you’re not guaranteed to receive 50% of everything. Thankfully, an attorney can explain what kinds of factors could influence the final court order regarding property division after evaluating your situation.

3. Grounds for Divorce

The state of Georgia recognizes more than a dozen grounds for divorce. Examples include habitual drug addiction or intoxication, desertion, adultery, and impotence at the time of marriage. Couples may also pursue a no-fault divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. While no-fault divorces are relatively easy to finalize because they don’t require any evidence of past transgressions, filing on one of the other grounds could influence the outcome in your favor. For example, if you file on the grounds of adultery, the judge may think you’re entitled to a larger settlement. A divorce lawyer can help you determine the best way to proceed based on any available evidence.


The compassionate divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Terrence J. Paulk, PC understand the emotional and financial challenges that come with ending a marriage. If you’ve decided to file, an attorney from their team will help you navigate the proceedings while protecting your best interests at every stage. Located in Fitzgerald, GA, they're backed by more than three decades of experience, and they’re equipped to counsel clients in a broad range of areas. To explore all their services, visit their website. To schedule your first meeting at their firm, call (229) 423-8783.
