
If you drink alcoholic beverages, you have an obligation to do it responsibly. Being responsible means taking care that your actions do not endanger anyone or lead to DWI charges. Whether you’re watching a sporting event, celebrating a special occasion, or just relaxing with friends, following these tips will help you and everyone around you stay safe.

3 Tips for Drinking Responsibly & Preventing DWI Charges

1. Know What & How Much You’re Drinking

Beware of drinks containing unknown combinations and amounts of alcohol, especially those mixed in large punch bowls. Those concoctions can get you inebriated or sick before you know it. When possible, watch the bartender mix your drink, open your bottle of beer, or pour your wine. The more control and awareness you have over your alcoholic intake, the safer you are.  

2. Plan Ahead for Transportation

DWI chargesWhen you must travel after drinking alcoholic beverages, plan ahead for safe transportation. One option is choosing a designated driver before the drinking starts. The chosen driver agrees not to consume anything intoxicating, has a valid driver’s license and insurance, and takes drinkers to their destinations safely. If everyone wants to drink, avoid risking auto accidents or DWI charges by calling a cab or using a ride-sharing app.

3.  Avoid Drinking Games

If you choose to drink while you watch your favorite team play, don’t play games with the alcoholic beverages. Have plenty of food on hand to help balance the alcoholic intake, and if anyone suggests taking a drink every time a team strikes out, scores, or makes a first down, say no.  


The skilled criminal defense attorneys at Missouri’s Coyne, Cundiff & Hillemann, P.C. in Lake St. Louis can help protect your right if you’re charged with a DWI. This law firm provides personalized service with professionalism and compassion, seeking the best possible outcome for your situation. To learn more about their services, visit them online, or call (636) 561-5599 to schedule an attorney consultation for help with your DWI charges.
