
Since baby teeth fall out on their own, many parents wonder why extraction would ever be necessary. However, teeth extraction can be a solution to many dental problems. Find out more about dental extractions for kids in the following guide. 

Why Do Baby Teeth Need to Be Extracted? 

While baby teeth usually start loosening when children reach the age of six, they sometimes don’t come out when they’re supposed to, which can cause overcrowding in the mouth. Some children may also experience significant decay because of poor brushing and flossing or issues with infection because of chipped or fractured teeth. 

In these instances, a dentist may recommend oral surgery to extract the problem teeth, which will protect the rest. Because permanent teeth may erupt later, they may also suggest space maintainers to pave the way for the incoming tooth. 

What Is the Teeth Extraction Process Like? 

oral surgeryBefore extraction, the dentist will first numb the area with a local anesthetic to ensure your child’s comfort during the procedure. Once the anesthetic has kicked in, they’ll use a pair of forceps to gently rock the tooth back and forth to widen the socket, then pull it straight out. Any infected tissue may also be removed, in which case stitches might be necessary. Otherwise, your child will be asked to bite down on a piece of clean gauze to halt bleeding. 

Recovering from teeth extraction may take seven to 10 days. During this time, you may need to give your child mild over-the-counter pain relievers and antibiotics to ward against pain and infection. Additionally, your child should eat soft foods to give the area a chance to heal. 


If your child needs teeth extraction, bring them to the Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska. The oral and maxillofacial surgeons take care of extractions, bone grafts, and even complex orthodontic solutions for children, improving their ability to smile and talk properly for the rest of their life. Explore the Anchorage practice’s list of procedures online, or give their team a call at (907) 561-1430 to schedule an appointment. 
