
Your plumbing system is one of the most important parts of your home, as it delivers the water you need for cooking, bathing, and drinking. But while you likely eat and bathe as much as you should, most people don’t drink the recommended amount of water each day. Here’s a closer look at why water is a health priority, and why you should care for your plumbing system so you have clean drinking water.

3 Reasons to Drink Lots of Water

1. Improve Brain Function

Drinking water can go a long way in promoting mental clarity and preventing headaches and other common issues. Studies have found that dehydration can trigger migraines and negatively impact your mood and mental performance. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help relieve headaches and keep your mind sharp.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

plumbingStudies have shown that drinking water boosts your metabolism and helps you feel full. Not only will this cause your body to burn more calories, but it’ll also keep you from overeating during meals and snacks. Whether you’re trying to trim down or maintain your weight, water will help you achieve your goal.

3. Maximize Physical Performance

Drinking water will improve performance during exercise, helping you get more out of your workouts. According to the CDC, drinking water helps your body maintain an average temperature, eliminate waste through sweat, and lubricate your joints. This will help you avoid injury and other dangerous side effects while exercising. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout for the best results.


If you want to drink more water but don’t trust what’s coming out of your tap, contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Chardon, OH. Their experienced plumbers can improve your drinking water by installing a water softener for your home. They also offer a wide range of other plumbing services, from well water treatment to water heater replacement. To learn more about how they can improve your plumbing system, visit them online or call (440) 286-6002.
