
While you should leave some pet health issues to a veterinarian, many dog owners deal with claw-trimming on their own. Caring for your dog's claws ensures they remain healthy and prevents problems from developing over time. The following guide will help you properly approach claw-trimming. 

What You Should Know About Dog Claw-trimming

Not All Dogs Need it

Highly active dogs can often skip claw-trimming. Active dogs are more likely to come into contact with many different surfaces while walking and playing. Repeated contact naturally wears down claws, which prevents issues from occurring. For dogs that aren’t so busy, such as those that live in cities, you should trim their claws every few weeks. 

Long Claws Cause Problems

Dog claws that are too long areveterinarian associated with a range of medical issues. As nails grow, they may curl under a dog’s feet. This condition causes soreness, and claws may also catch on fabric and possibly tear. Joint pain can also occur as a result of long nails, as the dog must adjust their gait to deal with the issue. Untrimmed claws may also cause difficulty with walking and running, which decreases a dog’s level of activity.

How to Approach Claw-Trimming

Most veterinarians recommend initiating trimming when your dog is young, as this will normalize the process. When choosing trimmers, look for those with a guide, which will prevent cutting too short. Only cut off a small bit of claw at a time, until you see a white center surrounding a small black dot. Providing treats will soothe your dog and allow them to associate trimming with something positive. 


If you have questions or concerns about caring for your dog, the veterinarians at Crescent Springs Animal Hospital are happy to help. Serving pet owners in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, this animal clinic offers a wide variety of services. Along with exams and diagnostic testing, they also provide dental care, vaccinations, spaying and neutering, and surgical procedures. If your pet is experiencing a behavioral issue, they will take steps to get to the bottom of it to ensure your furry friend remains happy and healthy. Call (859) 331-6608 to schedule a veterinarian appointment in Crescent Springs, KY. You can also visit the website for more helpful canine care guides. 
