
One of the biggest design choices of a bathroom remodel is deciding between a bathtub or a shower. While personal preference is a top consideration, many homeowners also worry about water usage for both ecological and monetary reasons. If you fall into that category, here's a closer look at which option is going to help you conserve the most water.

Do Bathtubs or Showers Use More Water?

The basic design difference between bathtubs and showers is a primary factor in water usage. A tub is designed for soaking, and when full, it'll hold anywhere from 35 to 50 gallons of water, depending on the size. Showers, on the other hand, provide a quick, non-lingering wash and rely on a light flow of between two-and-a-half and five gallons per minute. For that reason, showers are typically better at conserving water. 

What Factors Affect Water Usage?

bathroom remodelWhile bathtubs are designed to utilize more water than showers, the actual usage amounts depend on your household's habits. Both the size of the tub and how high you fill it affect the average number of gallons wasted. Additionally, the flow rate of the showerhead and the length of time you allow the water to run can drastically change the total usage. Consider how your family uses the fixtures now to estimate the potential waste after your bathroom remodel.

How Can You Conserve Water for Either Choice?

Regardless of what option you choose, there are ways to cut down on your home's water usage. With a bathtub, avoid filling it up all the way, and for a shower, install a low-flow showerhead and set a limit of 10 minutes per session. If you're longing for lengthy, relaxing soaks in the bathtub, compromise with a shower and tub combo during your bathroom remodel. You can utilize baths an occasional treat and rely on the shower for most days of the week. 

Dreaming of your perfect bathroom design? Turn to the trusted construction team at Olson Construction. From kitchen and bathroom remodels to roofing and painting, the skilled home improvement professionals proudly serve the needs of residents and businesses across La Crosse County, WI. Browse examples of their work in their online gallery, and request a free project estimate today at (608) 304-5188.
