
Cockroaches are crafty when infiltrating places they don’t belong, like homes and businesses. Luckily, there are several ways to lessen the likelihood that they will settle in as unwelcome guests. While it will take a small effort on your part, preventing cockroach infestations is well worth it in the long run. Below are tips that you can quickly implement in your daily routine to keep your house pest-free.

How to Avoid Cockroaches

1. Clean Up Food Debris

Cockroaches are one of the many pests that love to find food leftovers on the counter and crumbs on the floor. The benefit of cleaning up food waste is twofold; you’ll ensure you don’t attract pests to their next meal, and also create a more hygienic environment overall.

2. Eliminate Moisture

All cockroaches need to survive is food, water, and shelter, so getting rid of any moisture they can find is a significant deterrent for them. This process includes standing water in cups and bowls, leaky pipes, and wet items like bath mats. 

3. Put Away Pet Food

You may forget your pet’s food cockroachesas it sits in a bowl on the ground and out of sight. However, this source of food for your pet also acts as a source of food for cockroaches. Consider putting meal times in place and keeping the food in a sealed storage container for the rest of the time.

4. De-Clutter the Home

Piles of old cardboard, newspapers, and magazines are the perfect place for them to hide. Where you find one bug, you’re likely to find many, as they release pheromones that signal a safe location. Tidying up will reduce the number of spots a cockroach can find shelter.

5. Seal Openings & Cracks

In addition to creating an inhospitable environment for cockroaches, you should stop them from entering in the first place. Seal up gaps in floors and walls, spaces around pipes and drains, and cracks leading outside.


These steps go a long way in keeping cockroaches off of your property, but some cases still need professional help. Locally owned in Houston, TX, High-Tech Pest Pros is a team committed to ridding your home or office of every pest from bedbugs and mosquitoes to mice and bats. Visit them online for a detailed description of their pest control services and their customer satisfaction guarantee. To discuss your options and get a price estimate, call (281) 335-5725.
