
As an attorney, you strive to secure the most favorable outcome for your client. Other than researching relevant information and utilizing past experiences to form a strategy, you should also hire a court reporter. Here are a few ways a stenographer can help you build a solid case.

How Court Reporters Can Support a Case

1. Maintain Records

Having a tangible account of all questions and answers is crucial for multiple stages of a trial. During witness depositions, you can utilize previous statements or testimonies to determine the credibility of a person’s story. During the trial, you can request written records of the past proceedings to revisit and revise your strategy. Additionally, having a written record of the trial will pinpoint specific examples of questionable testimony or evidence that may grant an appeal.

2. Encourage Honesty

court reporterThe presence of a court reporter is often enough to encourage complete transparency during proceedings. When people know their statements are permanently recorded, they’re less likely to lie because there’s a higher risk of being held in contempt.

3. Ensure Accuracy

A court reporter’s job is to make sure there aren’t any gray areas or blank spots when someone wants to review the records. To do this, they may ask a witness to verbally express their answer instead of nodding or shaking their head. They may also ask someone to repeat themselves if their response was too quiet or mumbled.


If you need help ensuring a successful outcome for your client, talk to the professionals at Ralph Rosenberg-Court Reporters in Honolulu, HI. Members of their team have over 15 years of experience, making them fully capable of handling the intricacies of being in the courtroom. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 524-2090 to discuss your case’s needs with a court reporter.
