
Bats living inside your home or business are a nuisance and may present a health hazard to your family, employees, or customers. However, there are some undeniable benefits to having them on your property, so bat control is often a better option than eradicating them. Below are a few reasons to consider installing bat houses around your home or business.

3 Benefits of Installing Bat Houses 

1. Bats Control Insect Populations

bat control Cincinnati, OHAt least 40 different species of North American bats eat nothing but insects, including the most notorious outdoor pests: mosquitoes. By some estimates, a single bat can eat hundreds or thousands of mosquitoes every night, reducing the risk of irritating bites and the harmful diseases they spread. If mosquitoes plague your yard, a bat house may be a healthy alternative to propane traps or toxic insecticides.

2. Bats Are Efficient Pollinators

Bees are usually considered the top pollinators in any garden, but bats do more than their fair share. Some species feed on moths and spiders, while others are attracted to the nectar in your plants. As they hunt, these nocturnal predators spread pollen and help your garden flourish. This has become more important as the insect population has begun to decrease, as bats can continue to pollinate plants that bees need to survive.

3. Bat Guano Is an Excellent Fertilizer

You may choose to have a bat control professional remove guano, but it’s a beneficial fertilizer. In addition to providing ideal levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, bat guano also kills fungi and nematode worms. This can ensure that your garden will grow by creating the perfect soil conditions for growth and killing off invasive species that kill plants. The high levels of beneficial microorganisms produced in the bat’s gut are transferred in bat guano and promote the healthy growth of your plants.


Whether you’re dealing with bats in the attic or want to attract these helpful animals to your property, the bat control experts at Batman Enterprises offer high-quality houses to residences and businesses throughout the Greater Cincinnati Area. Their bat houses are designed to provide a comfortable place for animals to sleep, so they stay out of your home or commercial building. Visit their website now or call (513) 600-3079 for an overview of their bat control services, follow their Facebook for more professional tips and advice.
