
Autumn can be the prettiest time of the year...... yet, the most hazardous.

You have heard of spring cleaning, make it a routine for a fall cleaning. Fall cleaning can help prevent you from having your home go up in smoke. Before the autumn season arrives, here is a few helpful hints to keep you and your family safe.

The 3 C's........Check, Clean, Chimney!

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, chimney fires account for 36% of residential home fires in rural areas every year. Often are caused by creosote build-up in chimneys and stovepipes.

Having your chimney checked and cleaned will reduce your risk of having a flue fire. The buildup from creosote along the chimney lining walls can ignite the start of chimney fire. This build-up is caused by the unburned materials in the smoke accumulating along the chimney walls and creating a sticky substance that can easily catch fire. Having a double insulated liner in the chimney or stove pipe can reduce your risk.

Yard Care......Let's Have Fun!

The leaves turn to their beautiful, bright colors before falling to the ground. Kids (young or old) love to jump in a big pile of leaves. Raking leaves away from structures can prevent fires destructing homes or structures. It can take one spark to start a fire, especially if dry leaves are near the structure. Do not burn leaves close to a structure. Make sure to have a distance from structures and combustible materials. Have fun while getting the work done.

Preparing now in the fall season can make this winter safer for your home. Enjoy the crisp, cool breezes and relax in the evenings with your family and friends.
