
Most people have experienced foggy glasses. While fogging might be a mild annoyance in everyday situations, it could be hazardous or even deadly if you’re behind the wheel. Understanding why glasses fog and how you can prevent is key to enjoying crystal-clear vision around the clock. 

What Condensation Is

Condensation is the process of water vapor being in turned into liquid. If you’ve ever enjoyed a cool drink on a hot summer day, you’ve probably noticed beads of water collecting on the glass. That’s condensation in action. The same process affects your glasses when hot air hits the cooled lens.

Condensation occurs in many different situations. For example, your glasses might fog up when you leave an air-conditioned environment for the muggy outdoors. It can also result from leaning over a hot stove while cooking, or it might happen during a workout. Any variation in the temperature of the air and that of your glasses can cause lenses to fog up. 

How to Keep Your Vision Clear

glassesThe easiest way to prevent fogging is to apply an anti-fog solution to your glasses. Many products are available in a spray form, which can easily be applied to both eyeglasses as well as sunglasses. You can also talk to your eye care professional about getting glasses with anti-fog lenses the next time your update your prescription. 

If you’re concerned about how often your glasses fog, consider being fitted for contact lenses. Contacts offer a bit of freedom over traditional eyeglasses, which is why many people with active lifestyles prefer them. Some also keep a trusty pair of glasses on hand and only use contacts for certain occasions, which is the most convenient option. 



Cohen's Fashion Optical offers a wide selection of glasses to customers in New York City. With frames from name-brand designers, you can rest assured that you’ll always make an impact wherever you go. They also offer specialty lenses, including high-definition, photochromic, and progressives. Take advantage of more than nine decades of eye care experience by calling (212) 769-1410 today. You can also check out their selection of eyeglasses online
