
Spiders often try to escape the summer heat by wandering into cold, moist basements, which calls for pest control on your part. After all, spider bites can be itchy at best and excruciating or even life-threatening at worst. It can be tricky to keep them away, but a few professional tips will help.

5 Tips for Keeping Spiders Out of Your Basement

1. Stay Clean

Again, spiders love moisture, so don’t let it accumulate anywhere, and fix water damage right away. Beyond that, seal every tiny crack and crevice both inside and outside. Declutter your house, donating, selling, or externally storing things that you don’t want or need so that they can’t make hiding places for themselves. For the same reason, keep wood logs outside.

2. Spray Oil

Both peppermint and lemon oil are excellent natural pest control solutions for spiders. Mix either of them in a spray bottle with water, dish soap, or furniture polish, then spray the concoction in areas that spiders like, such as cracks, gaps, light bulbs, windows, and anywhere dark or wet.

3. Reconsider Your Outdoor Lighting

pest controlHaving a lot of lighting outside your home is like a beacon to spiders and the bugs that they like to eat. If you don’t like the idea of reducing your lighting or moving the fixtures away from your doors, windows, and other entry points, then use yellow or sodium vapor bulbs instead of regular ones.

4. Set Traps

Head to the pest control section of any drug or hardware store and find the sticky glue traps, which are usually available in thin sheets or boards. Lay them right next to all the nooks, holes, and bulbs that spiders use to come and go. You can easily dispose of the spiders and traps by throwing them into the trash.

5. Purge the Pests

Get rid of the insects that spiders regard as food, and the spiders will have less reason to infest your house. Set up traps and spray repellents for flies, termites, bedbugs, ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and moths, and install screens on your windows and doors to keep out more. To thoroughly eliminate them, hire professional pest control services.

Since 1959, Copter Pest Control has been keeping the residences of Enterprise, AL, free from spiders and their prey in the basement and everywhere else. They’re proficient in getting rid of other pests as well, including rodents and fleas. Their products are as affordable and effective as they are environmentally friendly. Schedule a visit by calling (334) 347-2430 or messaging them online.
