
Good gas mileage, or the number of miles your car can drive per gallon, is important. It will save you money on trips to the pump and reduce your emissions for a more environmentally friendly vehicle. If your mileage has been decreasing, there are a few common reasons this may be happening. Fix them to restore your vehicle’s efficiency; the solution may be as simple as getting an oil change or adjusting your driving habits.

Common Reasons for Poor Fuel Economy

1. The Wrong Oil Change

oil changeYou should use a motor oil that has the right viscosity, or thickness, for your type of engine. If you use the wrong oil, the critical moving parts in the engine cannot move as freely as they should. When parts such as your pistons are held back, the engine has too much of a load on it and won’t work as efficiently. Get an oil change and ask your mechanic for the oil recommended in your vehicle owner’s manual.

2. Poor Driving Habits

Your driving habits have a significant impact on how much gas you use. Driving in the city will burn gas a lot more quickly than on the highway since you are constantly braking and accelerating. Revving the engine unnecessarily and accelerating quickly will waste gas. Change your driving habits by driving on the highway whenever possible and driving defensively. If you give yourself plenty of following space behind the car in front of you, you will not need to apply the brakes and accelerate as often.

3. Incorrect Tire Pressure

When your tires are under-inflated, they have too much surface area on the pavement. The engine has to work harder to keep them moving, which uses up extra gas. Keep your pressure within the range that’s listed on the tire sidewall for safe and efficient driving. Check it at least once a month and add air as needed.


A well-maintained vehicle will give you an efficient and safe ride. The auto repair and maintenance experts at Kalispell Alignment & Auto Repair will maximize your fuel economy. This shop in Kalispell, MT, offers a full range of services, from an oil change to state-of-the-art car diagnostics. Their ASE-certified technicians have over 25 years of experience working on all makes and models. Learn more online and call (406) 755-0234 to schedule an appointment.
